Owen and his Grandpa having fun in the parking lot.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The end of a good weekend
Gabe wanted to check out the new Dick's Sporting Goods at Clarksville's mall for their opening weekend. (Shhh...don't tell, this is stiff competition for Gabe's store.) So we checked it out and the rest of the mall. :) We found Owen two Christmas gifts and his Halloween outfit for this year. You are going to have to wait to find out what he is going to be! Then we met up with Gabe's parents for dinner. We had some delicious pizza! I mean really...can you ever go wrong with pizza?!

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Girl's Day...with our boys
This morning my friend Morgan called and invited Owen and I to hang out with her and Eli for the day. After Owen took a quick nap, we were out the door to meet up with her. I called my sister and she decided to join in on the fun. We started out at Chick-Fil-A where we enjoyed some delicious food. We were entertained with three high chairs sitting around one little table. Then we headed to Kiddos, a consignment store in Bowling Green, where I found some cute soccer shirts for Owen. After that we headed to Western's Campus to enjoy family fun day.
Earlier in the week I was feeling kind of down in the dumps and feeling lonely. It is amazing how God works, because throughout the week, I was reminded about how many special people I have in my life. I will take you through my week in the order things God reminded me of.
1. One of my best friends is a girl I met my first year teaching at Adairville. Now granted we weren't super close the first year, but boy how things changed the second year. The girl that I once gave a friendly smile to in the hallway became an awesome friend. Unfortunately for me, Carrie switched schools this year and I no longer get to see her smiling face everyday. I was missing her this past week (well since the school year started), so I called her up on the phone and it was so awesome to talk to her. It was like we had still seen each other every day and we still knew what was happening in each other's lives. This is the kind of friendship that is very special. We don't have to see each other everyday or work together, our friendship is going to continue on regardless. I am so happy to know that! Thanks for being you Carrie!
2. I am so sad to post that a super close friend of mine experienced a loss this week. I met Tara at college my freshman year and we became the best of friends shortly after. She knew every part of me within a matter of weeks and vice-versa. She was my go-to girl if that makes sense. Along with Tara, I had a close knit relationship with several other girls including Catherine, Beth, Leslie, and Katie. Although we have moved on our seperate ways and live in different cities, I was reminded this week that these girls are always going to be a support group for me and a shoulder to lean on or a group to laugh with. I truly cherish my time at Western because of these gals.
3. The Watson's. This family is an awesome family that Gabe, Owen, and I enjoy hanging out with. We can go anywhere and do anything with this family....Hot Rod's games, Holiday World, game nights at each other's homes, out to dinner, Chaney's Ice Cream and a Moovie, well....the list could go on and on. The best part of this family is that Morgan and I are as close to each other as Gabe and Eric are and vice-versa. When the four of us went out this weekend, Morgan and I were able to just talk about anything and everything. I was able to meet up with Morgan again today and was reiterated what an awesome person she is. She has a huge heart and a fun spunk to her that is contageous. I am so glad that we randomly showed up at the hospital after the birth of their son when I had met Morgan only once before.
4. My sister. Now this is going to be the hardest for me to explain because she means so much to me. It's a sisterly bond that I don't think you truly understand unless you have a sister. (My friend Catherine did an excellent job portraying the sisterly bond in a post she wrote about her and her sister.) No matter how I am feeling, it is always refreshing hanging out with her and as Catherine wrote, a sense of comfort. I don't have to ask or say...she just gets me. We can eat together and not feel embarrassed if something drops or are kids are being wild. She is by far the best shopping partner out there. We have similar taste and are built the same so it's perfect. (For some reason, it usually ends up dress shopping even though I never wear dresses.) I can't get enough of her!!! I am so excited that our boys are so close in age because we get to experience things together and lean on each other with these adventures for the years to come.
There are many other special people in my life, these were just the ones that I was reminded of this week.
1. One of my best friends is a girl I met my first year teaching at Adairville. Now granted we weren't super close the first year, but boy how things changed the second year. The girl that I once gave a friendly smile to in the hallway became an awesome friend. Unfortunately for me, Carrie switched schools this year and I no longer get to see her smiling face everyday. I was missing her this past week (well since the school year started), so I called her up on the phone and it was so awesome to talk to her. It was like we had still seen each other every day and we still knew what was happening in each other's lives. This is the kind of friendship that is very special. We don't have to see each other everyday or work together, our friendship is going to continue on regardless. I am so happy to know that! Thanks for being you Carrie!
2. I am so sad to post that a super close friend of mine experienced a loss this week. I met Tara at college my freshman year and we became the best of friends shortly after. She knew every part of me within a matter of weeks and vice-versa. She was my go-to girl if that makes sense. Along with Tara, I had a close knit relationship with several other girls including Catherine, Beth, Leslie, and Katie. Although we have moved on our seperate ways and live in different cities, I was reminded this week that these girls are always going to be a support group for me and a shoulder to lean on or a group to laugh with. I truly cherish my time at Western because of these gals.
3. The Watson's. This family is an awesome family that Gabe, Owen, and I enjoy hanging out with. We can go anywhere and do anything with this family....Hot Rod's games, Holiday World, game nights at each other's homes, out to dinner, Chaney's Ice Cream and a Moovie, well....the list could go on and on. The best part of this family is that Morgan and I are as close to each other as Gabe and Eric are and vice-versa. When the four of us went out this weekend, Morgan and I were able to just talk about anything and everything. I was able to meet up with Morgan again today and was reiterated what an awesome person she is. She has a huge heart and a fun spunk to her that is contageous. I am so glad that we randomly showed up at the hospital after the birth of their son when I had met Morgan only once before.
4. My sister. Now this is going to be the hardest for me to explain because she means so much to me. It's a sisterly bond that I don't think you truly understand unless you have a sister. (My friend Catherine did an excellent job portraying the sisterly bond in a post she wrote about her and her sister.) No matter how I am feeling, it is always refreshing hanging out with her and as Catherine wrote, a sense of comfort. I don't have to ask or say...she just gets me. We can eat together and not feel embarrassed if something drops or are kids are being wild. She is by far the best shopping partner out there. We have similar taste and are built the same so it's perfect. (For some reason, it usually ends up dress shopping even though I never wear dresses.) I can't get enough of her!!! I am so excited that our boys are so close in age because we get to experience things together and lean on each other with these adventures for the years to come.
There are many other special people in my life, these were just the ones that I was reminded of this week.
Kentucky State Fair
Owen was super excited about the fair
Just chillin in his wagon

Gabe getting ready for his "Go Green" television debut. Unfortunatly after getting set up, he found out he had to be a customer to try-out for the TV commercial.

Hanging out with Pops for his birthday

Gabe getting ready for his "Go Green" television debut. Unfortunatly after getting set up, he found out he had to be a customer to try-out for the TV commercial.
Hanging out with Pops for his birthday

The whole family

The birthday boy with the grandkids.

The Adkins'

The whole family
The birthday boy with the grandkids.
The Adkins'
The Howard's
The Hanes'

With Daddy checking out the energy bug...very fitting!

Owen checking out the bear.

You can't go to the fair without checking out the piglets! So cute! :)

With Daddy checking out the energy bug...very fitting!
Owen checking out the bear.
You can't go to the fair without checking out the piglets! So cute! :)
This was the coolest little set-up. The ducklings crawled up one side and ate food at the top, but after awhile they would slip and go shooting down the slide. It was very enteratining. (Apparently they only do this for fifteen minutes at a time and switch out the ducks...so it's not too wearing on the ducks.)
Owen liked the rabbit in the petting area.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Owen's 1st Birthday!!!
Owen turned one on August 3rd. I CANNOT believe is already a year old!!!! In one way it feels like he has always been a part of our lives, but in another, it is so hard to believe it has already been a year! He is definitely the best thing that has ever happened in my life! His smile can melt my heart and it pretty much does every day. I love him so much and I am so proud to be able to call him my son! Here is a look at how we celebrated his special day!
His hair is all gone! I never would have guessed it, but I was fighting back tears after it was done. I kinda miss his wild curled up hair and the way it kept his baby-look.

He looks WAY too much like a little boy in this picture!

Hey...it's my birthday!!!

Look at me...I am WALKING!!!

Checking out his new book.

A lunchbox! I know it's not a typical present for a first birthday, but we pack his lunch everyday. So we thought it would be ok, especially if it had a monkey on it!

He knew what his lunchbox was for. Yum Yum!

Mickey Mouse Club House Books...YAY!

Bath toys!
Gabe was able to take the day off and spend it with Owen. I met them at the barber shop as soon as I got out of school for Owen's first hair-cut!
He looks WAY too much like a little boy in this picture!
Hey...it's my birthday!!!
Look at me...I am WALKING!!!
Checking out his new book.
A lunchbox! I know it's not a typical present for a first birthday, but we pack his lunch everyday. So we thought it would be ok, especially if it had a monkey on it!
He knew what his lunchbox was for. Yum Yum!
Mickey Mouse Club House Books...YAY!
Bath toys!
Owen's First Birthday Party!!!
We had Owen's birthday party at our home and invited family and close friends. We are so blessed with such important people in our lives that care for Owen so much! We had a huge turn-out and had a great time!

More presents....the world cup soccer horn. There is a name for it, but I have NO clue how to spell it!!! Owen thought it was awesome though!

Owen pushing around his dump truck that Grammy and Pops gave him as an early birthday present.

Owen's cousin Mason...he is so much fun!

Aunt Lucy, Uncle Bill, and Caroline.

Uncle Nate and Mason

Grammy, Aunt Jill, and cousin Mason.

Grandma Adkins

Owen having fun with Grandpa Adkins and Great-Grandma Adkins.

The Kelly's

Morgan and Eli!

The cupcakes we made for the party guests!

Cake time...

Owen showing off his party hat with Great Grandpa Adkins.
Time to open presents! Man is Owen one lucky boy!!!

More presents....the world cup soccer horn. There is a name for it, but I have NO clue how to spell it!!! Owen thought it was awesome though!

Owen pushing around his dump truck that Grammy and Pops gave him as an early birthday present.

Owen's cousin Mason...he is so much fun!

Aunt Lucy, Uncle Bill, and Caroline.

Uncle Nate and Mason

Grammy, Aunt Jill, and cousin Mason.

Grandma Adkins

Owen having fun with Grandpa Adkins and Great-Grandma Adkins.

The Kelly's

Morgan and Eli!

The cupcakes we made for the party guests!

Cake time...

As you can tell, Owen definitely enjoyed his birthday cake!

After the cake, Owen was the most hyper I have ever seen him. It was highly entertaining! He kept waking around in a big loop around the living room, dining room, and kitchen. We switched off walking with Owen. Here is Great Grandma T. with him.
My great friend Natalie! She was such a huge help cleaning up the cake mess!!! (And yes, our kitchen cabinets are orange...and yes we painted them that way. Yeah I know, we are crazy!)
Owen playing with his cousins Elena and Caroline.

Thanks again for helping us make Owen's first birthday so special! Another exciting part of the night was when most everyone had left, Owen started really walking!!!!! He walked across the living room to me! That was the highlight of the night!

After the cake, Owen was the most hyper I have ever seen him. It was highly entertaining! He kept waking around in a big loop around the living room, dining room, and kitchen. We switched off walking with Owen. Here is Great Grandma T. with him.

My great friend Natalie! She was such a huge help cleaning up the cake mess!!! (And yes, our kitchen cabinets are orange...and yes we painted them that way. Yeah I know, we are crazy!)

Thanks again for helping us make Owen's first birthday so special! Another exciting part of the night was when most everyone had left, Owen started really walking!!!!! He walked across the living room to me! That was the highlight of the night!
Thanks to my Dad for all of these great pictures!!!
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