Saturday, August 28, 2010

Girl's Day...with our boys

This morning my friend Morgan called and invited Owen and I to hang out with her and Eli for the day. After Owen took a quick nap, we were out the door to meet up with her. I called my sister and she decided to join in on the fun. We started out at Chick-Fil-A where we enjoyed some delicious food. We were entertained with three high chairs sitting around one little table. Then we headed to Kiddos, a consignment store in Bowling Green, where I found some cute soccer shirts for Owen. After that we headed to Western's Campus to enjoy family fun day.
Family Fun Day at WKU

Owen and I in the helmet.

I caught a picture of Mason as he was walking out of the helmet. Mason liked walking around on the field. Go Tops!

Eli was having fun with the magic napkin dispenser.

Morgan and Eli decided to head home and Jill and I headed to the mall.
Mason was enjoying the rocking chair while he waited for Owen to get changed.

For some reason, the changing room was one of the highlights of the day for the boys.

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