Monday, October 11, 2010

Vacation - Day 5

Wednesday morning we packed up our things and headed to Virginia Beach. One last look at Uncle Fred and Aunt Diana's beautiful porch!

First look of the ocean - Love it! :)

Owen's first time checking out sand. It's pretty cool stuff!
After we checked out the ocean, Owen wanted to play on the playground.

Can you believe there was a playground on the beach?!!! Come to find out there was another one down a little ways to. I had never been to Virginia Beach before, but especially having Owen now, I think this would be a great place to go back to!

Owen catching a wave.

Cool surf dude!
After playing hard at the beach, we went to the hotel and had some dinner. Owen was cracking us up during dinner because there was a little girl close to his age sitting at the table next to us. He kept looking at her and then began making kissy noises. (You are a little too young Owen!)
Then it was time to check out the swimming pool.
Very excited about going in the pool!


This is awesome!

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