Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bark at the Park

We had a great time at Bark at the Park tonight! The Bowling Green Hot Rods baseball team allowed you to bring your dog for this special event and give donations to the Humane Society.

After paying for our tickets, we decided to let Bridget try out the agility course they had set up for all the dogs at the game. Bridget was not so sure about it, but it was entertaining nonetheless.

Bridget walking (well...being forced) to go on the balance beam.

Bridget finally going through the tunnel. She was not successful with the first go around, but after warming up a bit with the other obstacles and shortening the tunnel...success!

Owen and Dada having fun!

Owen decided to steal Dada's glasses.

Owen taking care of Bridget.

Owen cooling down with a nice cold sippy cup of water.

Bridget cooling off with some water.

Owen's friend Aubrey came over to play. Even though he didn't pay her much attention, I think they had a good time!

Me and Owen with Lindsey and Aubrey. While we were playing, we had a two-year old little girl make friends with us. She decided she wanted to hold the babies and grabbed them up as well as played with all of their toys, held their hands, and tried to put their pacifiers in for them.

Bridget was worn out after a fun time at the ballgame!

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