Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Burdette Park

On Tuesday, Jill and Mason came to hang out with us at Mom and Dad's. We hung out at the house and watched the boys play together. Of course, they obsessed over the same toy which totally cracks us up. Then we headed out to lunch and decided to go to the pool after that. We picked the perfect day to go to Burdette Park. The weather was really nice and the huge baby pool was practically empty.
Jill and I with the boys.
Owen made huge leaps and bounds from the last time I took him to the pool. He splashed around in the pool! As he got even more comfortable, he even stood on his own leaned up against the ledge and walked around a little bit.

Mason splashing around. He was so much fun to watch in the water. He even ran in the pool!

Owen showing off his turtle with his wild hair.

The boys!

Mason also liked to throw all of the squirter toys over his shoulder. As soon as Jill or Mom would put a toy on the ledge, it was over his shoulder! Owen was just wondering how or if he could grab a toy before it was gone again. =)

Owen trying to put his sunglasses on.

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