Thursday, January 20, 2011

3 Day Weekend

Saturday we stayed around the house until meeting up with some of our favorite friends, The Watson's, for dinner and a game. We met up at Cheddar's and had a delicious dinner then headed to WKU to watch some basketball. A big thank you to them for hooking us up with tickets! The boys were so well behaved and were really into watching the game. We had a great time (as always) with the Watson's!
The Adkins'
The Watson's
After the game, Owen and Eli had a great time with the basketball!

On Sunday we went to the new church we have been trying out. They had a unity service where three church campuses joined together at a school in Bowling Green. The service began at 10:30 and we didn't leave until 1:00. It was a really interesting service! After church we headed to Evansville to go out on a date. We went to one of my favorite Evansville restaurants - G.D. Ritzy's. YUM!!! Then we went and watched The Dilemma. With the two main actors in this movie, we were expecting it to be hilarious...but it was just ok. Gabe and I both rated it a 6 out of 10. Nonetheless, we had fun! Thanks again Mom for watching Owen!

Gabe was still of on Monday! Wow! I can't remember the last time he has had an entire weekend off, much less a 3-day weekend! We did some things around the house and then headed to Hopkinsville for the evening to celebrate his Mom's birthday. We went out to dinner and then played at their house. All in all, we had a pretty good weekend!
Blurry picture...but part of the birthday celebration!

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