Monday, January 10, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Jill and Mason came down to join Owen and I for Breakfast with Santa at Chaney's Dairy Barn. We had a great time and had some delicious food! Check out the pictures to see how meeting the big man went down...

Story time with Farmer Carl. If you notice, Owen decided to do his own thing and run around the room. :)
Mason meeting Santa. He did pretty well!

And then....there is Owen meeting Santa, not so well! As you can see, I was pretty entertained though.
Mason decided Santa wasn't so bad after all. Here he giving him a high five. (Sorry for the blurriness, I had to include it because it was just too cute!)
With Santa Cow.

Jill and Mason

I don't know if you knew this or not, but apparently Santa cow is WAY cooler than the real Santa.

Mason cheesing! :)

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