The typical new year's resolutions have to do with losing weight or keeping a clean house, but we all know that I am not typical. Although I would like to drop some pounds and keep a clean house, I am not going to make it a resolution because those things are not a priority in my life right now. Now, I would die if I don't have an hour or so notice before you come to my house...enough time to shove some stuff in a closet or a room with a door on it. :)
Anyway, back to my new year's resolutions. I am embarrassed to say this and ashamed that this has to be a new year's resolution, but Gabe and I do not have a church we can call 'home'. I can go through all the excuses like it being the only family day for us or it's hard going into a church where everybody knows each other, but we should NOT have or use these as excuses! We have been going to churches, but it is here and there and if we don't go it's not like anyone would notice because we jump around. So...I am ready! I am ready to become a part of a church, I am ready to be involved, I am ready to set an example for my son and raise him in a church. Am I embarrassed that we don't already have this established when both Gabe and I were raised in christian homes, YES! But, now is the time! I am happy to say that we went to a church the first Sunday after the new year and liked the feel of it and were back there this past Sunday. I almost think it was God's way of leading us to this particular church. I was searching through an endless list of churches around the Bowling Green area and came across a church in Rockfield. I thought this would be good because it wouldn't take us long to get there and even if we woke up late we could make it there. Well, we drove on all these back roads and ended up at a very small church with just a handful of cars in the parking lot. Now, I am not trying to judge a church of this size but I think it is even more intimidating to walk into a church where it is impossible to go unnoticed. Long story short, we kept driving and ran across the church that we have gone to the past two Sunday's. So, like I said, maybe it is God's plan and this will be a church we can call 'home'. Even if it is not, it's a start and I am excited about that! So, if you are reading this, please pray with us in our journey to be a part of a fellowship.
Another resolution I have is not near as serious. In fact, some people might think I am silly! My resolution is for Gabe and I to have a game night one night a week. Now reading this, it does sound silly, so let me explain myself. As I have mentioned several times before, Gabe works most evenings, so by the time he gets home we typically sit on the couch and veg while staring at the TV. Having a game night would require us to turn off the TV and encourage more talking between the two of us. Our game night for right now is set for Tuesday nights and we started it last week. I am excited about this resolution that I have as silly as you might think it is! :)
The last resolution that my Mom actually pointed out to me is what I am doing now, blogging! I had a huge stretch of time without any blogs and I want to get back to doing it on a semi regular basis. I have a horrible memory and this is a great way to keep record of all the fun times we have as a family!
That's my resolutions! Wish us luck!!! :)
Yay for new beginnings!! Eric and I are in the same "church boat." We just travel too much! Anyway, we really like where we are now. I love the game night idea and may have to steal a version of it..ha!
Thanks Morgan! I hope you do steal the idea, I am glad you 'get' me. :)