Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Morning

There was a commercial this holiday season that wrote "Best. Morning. Ever". That would pretty much describe Christmas morning in the Adkins' household. Although we celebrated Christmas with Owen last year, this was his first 'true' Christmas where he was able to enjoy the excitement and open up the presents. He did get slightly overwhelmed with presents after awhile. It took us like an hour and a half to open presents, I can almost guarantee that will never happen again. :)

Before...Coming down to check out the tree.
Do you see this Mama?

A monkey!!! Ah Ah Ah

I don't know what this is, but it looks pretty cool!

It might be a little big to drag around.

Tiger! Rar...rar....ROAR!

Owen was too funny. He was concerned about Bridget and her bone most of the morning, he kept trying to give it to her.

Dada's secret gift for Owen. An England soccer outfit, socks and all.

He is quite the drummer! :)
($10 at a consignment sale!!!)

These cymbals are AWESOME!

Trying out his new chair.

My little boy wearing a backpack...so cute!

The best gift of the day....a tunnel! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!

Hope your Christmas morning was as wonderful as ours was!!! There is something special about being in your own home for Christmas morning. We also enjoyed our tradition of yummy monkey bread for breakfast! :)

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