1. I am thankful for my wonderful husband. Gabe works a lot of 12 hour days and he still has the ability to come home in a good mood! It is awesome that I can still call him my best friend and we have the ability to enjoy whatever we do.
2. I am thankful for my son, the best gift I have ever been given. He is the light of my life. On any given day, he knows how to put a smile on my face. I love seeing the pure joy in his eyes through everything he does. One of my friends is constantly telling me that I have the 'perfect' child. I am going to have to agree with her! :)
3. I am thankful for my parents! Oh my goodness! I mean, really??!!! How did a girl get so lucky??? My family is my everything! They know just what to do at any moment and through any challenge! My parents have supported us in every way. I could seriously fill this whole blog up about how wonderful they are. And although I am now 27 years old, they still jump as high as they can, with arms wide open to be my parents. I just hope and pray that I can do the same with Owen.
4. My sister! I think God knew what he was doing when he brought me into my family. I can't imagine life without Jill. She is my sister, but she is my best friend! We can laugh and cry about the same thing in a matter of minutes. We can ask each other for parenting advice. She is the person I turn to vent or to celebrate with! She is one goofy lady that I love and adore!
5. Friends! I am so blessed with such awesome friends that range from a high school friend that I can go months without talking to and still leave off where we were to close family friends we get together with on a weekly basis. It is amazing!!!
6. Etc. Etc.Etc....... I am blessed with so MANY things that I could go on with forever! I thank my amazing God for what he has provided me with on a daily basis!
Thanksgiving at the Adkins'...great company and an amazing brunch!
Thanksgiving at my parent's house. Owen loved the cranberry salad that my sister made, can you tell?! :)

If you look closely, you can see where the cranberry went through his shirt and stained his body. Haha.
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