Monday, January 10, 2011

The Polar Express

After enjoying our snack, they gathered us up to go aboard the train. The conductor punched our tickets and everything!

Eli getting his ticket punched.

Owen getting his ticket punched to board the Polar Express Train!

The Watson's going aboard!
After going aboard, we walked through the entire train to get to the first car. It was really neat seeing how the train was set up. We didn't actually go for a ride, but it was really cool!

Owen and Dada listening to the book.
Eli and Owen doing their best to listen and pay attention. :)
I had to put this picture of Eli up for my friend Morgan. She didn't think that Eli paid attention at all, but this picture clearly shows him very interested in the book! :)

Group photo on the train
Owen taking the silver bell from Santa (and NOT FREAKING OUT!!!)

One last picture of us leaving the train

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