Monday, January 10, 2011

Halloween...a bit late :)

Happy Halloween! First off, let me explain my absence in the blogging world. One of the last blog entries I wrote before going MIA was about our trip to Maryland. We went to visit with Gabe's grandfather and to introduce Owen to him. Well, exactly three weeks after introducing Owen to his great-grandfather, we were attending his funeral. In my previous blog, I talked about how special it was for us to be able to introduce Owen to his great-grandfather because a lot of people don't get this opportunity. We never knew HOW special it would turn out to be! As any of his family would tell you, Gabe's grandfather was a special man with a happy heart. He was a great story-teller and loved watching little ones run around. He was an all around family man. Although he has passed, I know Gabe will be able to keep him 'alive' through the stories he tells Owen. I know Gabe will want Owen to know the grandfather he loved and adored.

Our happy little family!
My little cheeseburger!

Owen and I went with my parents to Evansville's Boo at the Zoo. It was awesome!!! I think it might become a new tradition for us! :)
Grammy caught in the act! She sure knows how to spoil this little guy!

Owen loves Pops!

My little cheeseburger cooling down with a shake.
Owen hanging out with his best bud Elmo (Eli)!
The last few years Gabe and I have gone over to my friend Carrie's house for Halloween. She lives in town and has all kinds of trick-or-treaters. (Not to mention her awesome porch to hang out on!) This year was even more special because I no longer work with her so I love any opportunity to see her and her family!

My friend Carrie's kids and her niece and nephew.
Hanging out with Batman...he is one cool kid! :)

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