Another snow day meant another fun day with Owen. We definitely entertained ourselves today! Take a look at what we did...Looking cool in his bear claw gloves from his Aunt Lucy!

Um...Mom...I lost a glove!

Little snow covered boy taking off for the neighbors yard.

When we got back inside, Owen saw our cat Pepper go through the cat door for the first time. He was very intrigued. Where did Pepper go???

Wonder if I can fit???

After his nap, we played hard!
Blocks...there is no way to do it but dump out the entire bag, or 2.

When the bag is empty, you can wear it.


Then we went and jumped on the bed.

I love his hair when he plays with the ball popper.

Played a little on the drums.

He really thought he could fit under his crib, ha!

Mama, can you read it to me again?!

His two favorite books of the day, I can't even tell you how many times we read them. :)

Puffing and blowing his checks like the cow in his book. (Can we say raspberries??)

After his bath, we did our almost nightly game of chase. It is very hard to get a full body shot, this little guy is FAST! :)

Hope you had as much fun as we did! Although, I am kind of hoping this is our last snow day. I don't want to lose all those pretty days during spring break and the end of the year!
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